Potent Possibility in the Seasons of Change🍃🍂❄

Shira Sameroff
2 min readNov 8, 2022

I am awestruck and heart-filled at the beauty of the emerging, transforming colors on the trees around me. It is autumn in the part of the world I reside. At the same time I feel sadness as these gorgeous, vibrant leaves separate from their branches and fall to the ground.

Loss. Grief. Fear of what’s to come.

Thankfully I now know that in these moments of transition and change, with all the accompanying emotions, lives the most alive, potent opportunity. It is a moment to be with.

With every loss, with every change, when we allow ourselves to feel and move through them, important space opens for something new. It is often, in fact, the only way what we are most needing can show up. Something that will make our life fuller, more aligned, more joyful and more whole.

I used to dread seeing the trees in winter that seemed so bare and lifeless. Then one year my eyes opened and I realized I was looking at the most alive and whole part of these beautiful beings. As trees shed their “clothing” and “hair”, we get to see their deeper beauty and essense. Their trunk, branches and roots that are so powerful and so deeply connected through the earth to the whole become more visible. How could I have missed noticing that for so many years?!

All this reminds me of the truth of myself. And the truth about you.

What is it time for you to shed? What outdated aspects of your ways and life are no longer serving you? What can you let go of to allow in something new to be and live as you really want and are meant to? What supportive conditions can you bring in to allow this process to unfold? What strength and beauty and wholeness are you not seeing within you that is so ready to express?

So much possibility! I I can feel it vibrating all around me. I know it for you!

The current structures of our societies do not help us much here as they encourage us to turn from our insides, from our feelings, from our knowings and settle for conditions that are not in the true interest of anyone. You don’t have to settle for that! The world in fact needs you not to.

I would be honored to help you live the life you want and are meant to live. That life is possible for you. You get to have support and it is good for the whole that you do! I welcome you to reach out!



Shira Sameroff

Heart & Soul Coaching You have unique gifts to shine. You are a gift. The world is yearning for you to remember!